NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute

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Search our training catalog to find courses and workshops best suited to meet your learning objectives.

Self-paced Courses

Whether you’re an individual looking for self-paced training or an organization wanting to bring new skills to your workforce, the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) can help. Learn how to set up an end-to-end project in eight hours or how to apply a specific technology or development technique in two hours—anytime, anywhere, with just your computer and an internet connection. Select courses offer a Select courses offer a certificate of competency to support career growth

Instructor-Led Workshops

If you’re interested in developing key skills in AI, accelerated data science, or accelerated computing, you can now get instructor-led training from the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI). Available for both individuals and teams, workshops are taught by DLI-certified instructors who are experts in their fields, delivering industry-leading technical knowledge to drive breakthrough results

Interested in transforming your organization into an AI powerhouse? Check out DLI Enterprise Solutions and request a custom package.

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Apr 2024
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Whether you’re an individual looking for self-paced training or an organization wanting to bring new skills to your workforce, the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) can help. Learn how to set up an end-to-end project in eight hours or how to apply a specific technology or development technique in two hours—anytime, anywhere, with just your computer and an internet connection. Select courses offer a Select courses offer a certificate of competency to support career growth

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