
Release Management

Learning resources

College & Adult
Online class, Online video
College & Adult
Online class, Online video
College & Adult
Online class, Online video

About Release Management

Release Management is the process of planning, scheduling and controlling the build, testing and deployment of software releases. The main aim of Release Management is to ensure that software releases are delivered on time, within budget and with the highest possible quality.

Release Management is a critical part of the software development process, as it ensures that software releases are coordinated and controlled in a way that maximises their value to the organization. Release Management is also responsible for ensuring that software releases are delivered on time and within budget.

Release Management processes typically include the following steps:

1. Planning: Release Managers work with project managers and other key stakeholders to plan the release schedule. This includes identifying the goals and objectives of the release, the features to be included, the target timeframe and the resources required.

2. Scheduling: Once the release schedule has been finalized, Release Managers work with development and testing teams to schedule the build, testing and deployment of the software release.

3. Coordinating: Release Managers coordinate the various teams involved in the software release, including development, testing, operations and support. They also liaise with external stakeholders, such as customers and partners.

4. Controlling: Release Managers monitor and control the progress of the software release, ensuring that it is delivered on time, within budget and to the required quality standards. They also manage risks and issues, and escalate any concerns to senior management.

5. Implementing: Once the software release has been approved, Release Managers work with the operations team to deploy it into production. They also provide support during the rollout phase, and ensure that all stakeholders are kept up to date with the latest information.

Release Management is a complex and challenging process, but it is essential for ensuring that software releases are delivered successfully. By following the steps outlined above, Release Managers can help to ensure that releases are coordinated and controlled effectively, and that they meet the needs of the organization.

Learning Release Management