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About Journalism

Journalism is the activity of collecting, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information. It is also the product of these activities. The essential skills of a journalist are enabling them to find stories, plan and structure material, conduct interviews, and use a variety of sources to verify and authenticate information. Journalists typically work in a newsroom, where they are assigned stories by editors. They may also work as freelance journalists, where they pitch stories to editors.

Journalism is a process that includes the following steps:

  1. Investigating: Journalists investigate by asking questions and seeking out sources of information. They may use traditional methods such as interviews and observation, or they may rely on more modern methods such as online research and data analysis.
  2. Reporting: Once information has been gathered, it must be reported in an accurate and unbiased manner. This can be done through writing articles, creating videos, or producing radio reports.
  3. Editing: Once a story has been reported, it must be edited to ensure that it is accurate and clear. Editing also involves choosing which elements of a story are most important and deciding how to present them in the most effective way.
  4. Presentation: The final step in the journalism process is to present the story to the public. This can be done through traditional news outlets such as newspapers and television, or through more modern platforms such as social media and blogs.

Learning Journalism