Prep Expert


We offer full-length live online courses, on-demand video courses, 1-on-1 private tutoring, and more. With top 1% instructors, perfect-score strategies, and industry-leading score guarantees, Prep Expert is leading the way in online test preparation.

Meet Dr. Shaan Patel MD MBA

Dr. Patel grew up in Las Vegas in his parents’ budget motel, attended inner-city public schools in the worst school district in the nation with a 40% dropout rate, and was clueless about standardized tests. After spending hundreds of hours studying for the SAT, he was able to raise his score from average to perfect — a feat achieved by only 0.02% of all high school students. His life completely changed because of his perfect SAT score! He was admitted into prestigious universities, received a quarter-million dollars in scholarships, and even got to meet the President.

Dr. Patel created Prep Expert to help high school students achieve their own dreams. Prep Expert is one of the nation’s fastest growing test preparation provider. The company offers 6-week online SAT & ACT preparation courses. Over 50,000 Prep Expert students have improved their SAT and ACT scores, gotten into top universities, won over $100 million in college scholarships, and some have even gotten perfect SAT and ACT scores themselves.

Dr. Patel completed his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biology (BA) at the University of Southern California, Master of Business Administration (MBA) at Yale University, and Medical Degree (MD) at the University of Southern California. He has published 10+ books in SAT & ACT prep, entrepreneurship, and self-improvement. Dr. Patel is currently completing a medical residency to specialize in dermatology. In addition to his academic endeavors, he continues to act as the CEO of Prep Expert. He recently appeared on ABC’s Shark Tank and closed a deal with billionaire Mark Cuban for an investment in the company. Dr. Patel was also honored on INC Magazine’s 30 Under 30 list in 2019.
