Earth and Space Science

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Common Core
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Earth Science
The Solar System
Unit Preview, The Solar Nebula/Earth’s Formation from the Nebula, Cloud of Dust Theory, Formation and Origin of the Moon, Early Earth, The Sun (Earth Science), Effects of Asteroid Impacts in Shaping the Surface of Planets, Evidence for the Existence of Planets Orbiting Other Stars
Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe
Unit Preview, Where is the Solar System?, Galaxies, Nuclear Fusion in Stars, Life Cycle of Stars / The Balance Between Gravitational Collapse and Nuclear Fusion, The Big Bang Model
Dynamic Earth Processes
Unit Preview, The Internal Structure of the Earth, Features of the Ocean Floor, Plate Boundaries, Rocks and their Properties, How Do Earthquakes Happen and Where?, How to Measure Earthquakes?, Volcanoes
Energy in the Earth System
Unit Preview, Internal and External Energy; Energy Budget, Fate of Incoming Radiation, Greenhouse Effect on Earth, Greenhouse Effect on Mars, Venus
Heat Driven Convections on Earth
Unit Preview, Circulation Patterns in the Earth’s Atmosphere and Oceans, The Relationship Between the Rotation of the Earth and the Circular Motion of Ocean Currents and Air in Pressure Centers, The Origin and Effects of Temperature Inversion, Properties of Ocean Water, Location of Deserts and Rain Forests, Features of ENSO
Climate and Weather
Unit Preview, Weather and Climate, Climate and Topography, How Has Earth’s Climate Changed Over Time?, Computer Models to Study Greenhouse Effect
Biogeochemical Cycles
Unit Preview, Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle/Global Carbon Cycle, Movement of Matter Among Reservoirs, Relative Residence Time of Carbon
Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere
Unit Preview, Thermal Structure and Chemical Composition of the Atmosphere, Evolution of the Atmosphere, The Ozone Layer
Geology of the United States of America
Unit Preview, Geological Regions and Resources, Principal Natural Hazards, Water Supply

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Aug 2023
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Blaise J. Subbiondo

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