The Astronomy Adventure Kit

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Common Core
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Stars & PlanetsIn ASTRONOMY you will:

Pace off a scale model of the SOLAR SYSTEM!
Experience how gravity would feel on OTHER PLANETS!
See the CRATERS of the MOON through your binoculars!
EXPLORE the NIGHT SKY with easy-to-use star maps!
Use artificial gravity to turn a cup of water upside down, WITHOUT SPILLING!
and many more.

Your family will be able to find things in the night sky that they have never seen before! And when it’s cloudy, choose one of the many daytime lessons.

Comes with 22 activities in 16 lessons, parent guide, star maps with points of interest for every season, binoculars, and enough equipment for two children working together to share. Grades 1-8.

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Mar 2023
This resource has religious influence.

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About Stratton House

What We Do:

The purpose of Stratton House is to create and sell Home Science Adventures, an original hands-on science curriculum made especially for homeschoolers. We care very much about the quality of the lessons and activities included in Home Science Adventures.

How We Do It:

Before selecting the activities that will go in a Home Science Adventures kit we research hundreds of ideas and try most of them ourselves. The best of these we present to homeschooling co-ops to see how they will work. You’d be surprised how many supposedly “tried and true” science activities don’t work in real life with real kids.

To make it into our kit, a lesson needs to be fun and clearly convey the science objectives, the directions must be easy to understand, and the activities must actually work in real life with real children!

The best activities are then written into self-directed lessons and presented to other children to iron out any problems with the instructions ( children are so good at finding ways to goof up an otherwise perfect lesson! : ) We often rewrite and retest many times, but when we’re done, we have a product that children will truly enjoy and learn from.

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