Kindergarten enVisionMATH

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Common Core
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Getting your child excited about mathematics can be a challenge. However, if you select a curriculum for homeschooling that focuses on using hands-on activities and visual aids, you’ll have the tools you need to help your child grow in the subject. enVisionMATH is the perfect system to meet that goal. This homeschool curriculum bundle is designed using Grade-appropriate content that’s meant to keep your child engaged and cater to his or her learning style. Using diagrams and other visual aids, enVisionMATH will enhance your child’s problem-solving skills while teaching him or her important math concepts.

Of course, all that will occur as your child progresses through the various levels of enVisionMATH. First, your child must tackle the kindergarten content. At this age, he or she will need to build a foundation in mathematics, learning very basic skills such as adding and subtracting. The enVisionMATH: Kindergarten curriculum for homeschooling will help you create lesson plans that are rooted in interaction, keeping your child focused on math learning.

enVisionMATH: Kindergarten is comprised of content that promotes conceptual understanding and problem solving. The visual aids used in enVisionMATH: Kindergarten are geared toward solidifying your child’s knowledge of basic math concepts while teaching him or her how to solve problems. Lesson units all center on a topic, allowing your child to zero in on a single idea at a time and master it before moving on to the next math concept. Your child will have worksheets and activities to complete every day to help him or her develop a strong math foundation.

The enVisionMATH: Kindergarten set includes exercises for your child to complete, as well as quizzes presented in a game show format sure to keep your child interested. This fun and additional math content not only creates an opportunity for practice, but helps your child get excited about the subject.

For more information about the details of enVisionMATH: Kindergarten’s design, take a look at the Features and Benefits page.

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Aug 2023
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