Dibs on Learning LLC


Our content designers create complete "experiential" learning kits focused on enrichment topics that can be used in school and at home. It is our mission to produce enrichment content and to make learning kits available to schools, summer workshops, before/after care - at school/ home, homeschoolers, study groups, care providers, au pairs and the like, to make enrichment learning accessible to as many children as is possible.

We conducted research with over 100 educators, teachers and parents across the country to produce our first enrichment kit - “The Artists of the World”. The idea was simple, each pack comes with detailed lesson plans, workbooks and all the materials required for activities. So, the teacher / instructor/ parents do not need to spend time or energy or additional money buying materials, finding interesting assignments or printing. Instead, they spend it doing what they do best - teach!

We know that its not straightforward to create interactive, engaging and hands-on learning content - because we spent hundreds of hours developing (and curating) original content for our workbooks and aligning it with multimedia links and games for added fun. Based on feedback from educators, we designed the workbooks in a way that allowed for "individual expression for each student” and delivered on our three step approach of "explore-engage-elevate". The gamification of the topic/ theory keeps the subject both interesting and fun. The exercises help reiterate that learning. All our kits end with a celebratory certification to mark the accomplishment. We hope we can keep pace with the requests that are pouring in - from science to languages, arts to geography - we will continue developing fun topics for Pre K to Grade 8 and keep our kits affordable and accessible.
