Capstone: Photo Tourist Web Application

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Common Core
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In this Capstone project for the Photo Tourist you will implement a Ruby on Rails web application that makes use of both a relational and NoSQL database for the backend and expose the data through services to the Internet using Web services and a responsive user interface operating in a browser from a desktop and mobile device. You will have a chance to revisit and apply what you have learned in our previous courses to build and deploy a fully functional web application to the cloud accessible to your co-workers, future employers, friends, and family. In developing the Photo Tourist web application, you will get to work with different data types and data access scenarios (e.g., fielded data display and update, image upload/download, text search, access controlled information) to provide your users the ability to show off their photos and information from trips they have taken and to seek out photos and information from trips taken by others. Using the application you develop, your users will be able to • Create an account • Upload and download photos to the site and make them accessible to others • Provide descriptions of trips and photos that others can read • Organize photos by location and trip, • Find photos based on location • Find photos based on text searches of descriptions • Locate the place where the photo was taken on a map

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Mar 2023
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