
Creative Writing

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About Creative Writing

Creative writing is a form of writing that covers genres including but not limited to poetry, fiction, drama, and creative nonfiction. It is often considered a "free form" of writing, one in which the writer does not have to adhere to set rules or conventions. Creative writing can be taught in a formal setting, such as in a university setting, or it can be learned informally, through books, online courses, or workshops.

Learning Creative Writing

Creative writing is a process of self-discovery and exploration. It is a way to access your imagination and create a unique piece of writing. The creative process can be daunting, but with some guidance, it can be an enjoyable experience.

There are three main elements to creative writing: plot, character, and setting. Plot is the sequence of events that make up your story. Character is the development of the people or animals in your story. Setting is the time and place where your story takes place.

Creative writing can be done in many different genres, including poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. It is important to find a genre that you are comfortable writing in and that you enjoy reading. Once you have found your genre, you can start to develop your writing style.

To get started, it is helpful to read as much as you can in your chosen genre. This will help you to develop an understanding of what makes a good piece of writing. It is also important to write regularly, even if it is just for a few minutes each day. The more you write, the better you will become at it.

Once you have developed your writing skills, you may want to consider taking a creative writing class. These classes can provide you with valuable feedback from other writers and can help you to improve your craft.