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There seems to be confusion about what radiation is and where it comes from. Many people believe it is the radiation that comes directly from nuclear power plants that poses a threat to public safety. In fact it is the radioactive atoms, which can escape in the event of an explosion, that pose a safety risk. They can be scattered by the wind over hundreds of kilometres. Then they may be ingested or breathed in. If they release radiation at this point, it is damaging to the body's molecules and cells because the radiation is delivered directly to tissues.

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Mar 2023
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About Veritasium

An element of truth - videos about science, education, and anything else I find interesting.  

Veritasium is of course a combination of the latin 'veritas' meaning truth, and the common element ending 'ium'. I guess this is my version of the 'draw my life' craze that rolled through YouTube many years ago. Except I wanted to tell my story with the actual moments, the photons, the stored magnetic states. There's something about that which is so important to me (because I think the alternative involves fooling yourself) which is why I'm so fascinated by film and video. One of my inspirations for the name Veritasium came from the end of the poem Ode on a Grecian Urn by John Keats, in which he writes: "Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."

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6th - College